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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2022-12-22 14:33:25 |  访问:612


蒙纳士大学(monash university),又译莫纳什大学,坐落于澳大利亚文化、艺术与工业中心墨尔本,是一所公立综合类研究型大学,同时是澳大利亚八校联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟与英联邦大学协会成员。大学于1958年由澳大利亚联邦政府通过议会法案建立,为纪念杰出的军事指挥官、公共行政官员和土木工程师约翰·莫纳什爵士(sir john monash),大学以其姓氏命名,官方中文名称为蒙纳士大学。

research fellow in clinical trials and treatment innovation

monash university

the opportunity

turning point's clinical and social research team is seeking to appoint a clinical trials and treatment innovation research fellow to work across a number of clinical trials within the unit. including a 5-year nhmrc synergy program focusing on neuroscience-based treatment innovations for alcohol use disorder, as well as two pharmacological clinical trials, n-acetylcysteine for alcohol use disorder and mdma for ptsd and alcohol use disorder.

the research fellow will make a significant contribution to the design and day to day operation of numerous research activities. this position will require an applicant with a phd able to contribute to the design and methodology of proposed research, undertake mixed methods and analysis.

key activities of the appointee will include:

? the conduct of research either as a member of a team or independently and the production of conference and seminar papers and publications from that research

? undertake analysis of clinical research data and work as part of a collaborative local and national team

? assist with the collection of clinical research data as part of ongoing research projects

? guidance in the research effort of junior members of research-only academic staff in their research area

? contribution to the preparation or, where appropriate, individual preparation of research proposal submissions to external funding bodies

if you believe you can fulfil these requirements, you are strongly encouraged to apply.

this role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.

at monash university, we are committed to being a child safe organisation. this position at the university will require the incumbent to hold a valid working with children check.

your application must address the selection criteria. please refer to "how to apply for monash jobs".

monash university seeks applicants for this opportunity who are able to demonstrate and present valid and current australian work rights.

we encourage applications from first nations people, culturally and linguistically diverse people, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, and people of all genders, sexualities and age groups.

join us in our commitment to ensuring a better future for ourselves and for the communities in which we study, work, live and engage – #changeit with us.


associate professor shalini arunogiri, +61 3 8413 8413

position description

research fellow in clinical trials and treatment innovation

closing date

sunday 8 january 2023, 11:55pm aedt


推荐:更多澳大利亚莫纳什大学2022年招聘博士后职位(临床试验与治疗创新) 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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